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The National Biodiversity Network has been championing the sharing of wildlife data since 2000. We are the UK’s largest partnership for nature, with over 200 members and more than 200 million wildlife records available through the NBN Atlas.
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Nomination form for NBN Award for Terrestrial Wildlife Recording 2025
Nomination form for NBN Award for Terrestrial Wildlife Recording 2025
NBN Award for Terrestrial Wildlife Recording 2025
Name of Nominee
Nominee's email address
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Nominee's phone number
Nominee's social media name/handle
Wildlife Records and Sharing Data [300 words maximum] (For example: • Are the nominee’s records filling gaps in knowledge of certain terrestrial or freshwater species or locations? • Which species do they record? • Are their records being shared openly via iRecord, iSpot, iNaturalistUK or in some other way? • Are the nominee’s records shared with a Local Environmental Record Centre, another organisation and/or via the NBN Atlas?)
Engagement and Training [300 words maximum] (For example: • Is the nominee increasing the range and diversity of people interested in terrestrial or freshwater wildlife? • Are they encouraging others to record terrestrial and/or freshwater wildlife? • Is the nominee training others and increasing other people’s wildlife identification and recording skills?)
Impact and Influence [300 words maximum] (For example: • Are the nominee’s terrestrial and/or freshwater wildlife data being used in local plans, affecting decisions about conservation? • Has the nominee developed new tools or resources, such as species identification guides or apps? • Has the nominee started a new group or organisation?)
Uniqueness and Other Considerations [300 words maximum] (For example: • Is anyone else recording the same terrestrial and/or freshwater species or in similar locations? • Is the nominee self-taught in species identification? • Are they a volunteer? How much time do they commit per month? • How long has the nominee been recording terrestrial or freshwater wildlife and how much time do they spend recording?)
You may upload supporting documents, if required. [5 maximum]
Drop files here or
Select files
Max. file size: 48 MB, Max. files: 5.
Your name
Your relationship to the Nominee
Your email address
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Your phone number
Your social media name/handle
Please tick the box above if you would like to remain anonymous throughout the nomination and Award process.
And finally, please could you tell us where you heard about these Awards? (Please tick all that apply)
NBN website
Network News
Wildlife group / organisation
Through my job
If other, please specify
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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