NBMP Level 2 Workshop: Using Your Ears

Thursday 15 May 2025, 18:30
Thursday 15 May 2025, 20:00

Are you looking to develop your bat identification skills? Are you interested in understanding bat sounds? This workshop will enable you to take part in surveys for the National Bat Monitoring Programme (NBMP), and follows on from the NBMP Beginner Level and Level 1 workshops.

In this workshop you will be equipped with species identification skills using a heterodyne bat detector in the field. The focus is on pipistrelles, noctule, serotine and Daubenton’s bat as these illustrate a range of different bat sounds. The workshop will cover heterodyne detectors, training your “sonic memory”, and breaking bat sounds down into four elements: repetition rate, rhythm, tonal quality, and pitch. You will learn how and why these elements vary between different species, and how to find the “peak frequency” using a heterodyne detector.

The training will include an overview of the National Bat Monitoring Programme (NBMP), and you will learn how to take part in the NBMP Field Survey.

Book here: https://buytickets.at/bctevents/1610026

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