A Beginners Guide to Mosses and Liverworts

The Gateway, Chester Street, Shrewsbury SY1 1NB
Wednesday 11 February 2015, 10:00

Mosses and Liverworts are seen as a difficult group to identify as they are small, have no flowers, and can look quite similar. They are abundant, if sometimes obscure, in many habitats and some Genera, such as Sphagnum or Bog Moss, are excellent ecological indicators. This makes it important to identify them to species, especially as many of them are rare or scarce and several species form important community constants in the National Vegetation Classification. This workshop will provide an introduction to this diverse group based on common species. We will examine a variety of fresh material to illustrate the different types and structures and will demonstrate ways of collecting and preserving plants for further study. At the end of the session, you should be familiar with the main features of mosses and liverworts and the structures used to separate out the species. You'll also have an opportunity to dissect and examine specimens under the microscope. 

You can download the flyer for further information here

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