People’s Trust for Endangered Species Surveys

Our gardens and parks can seem pretty thin on wildlife and our countryside assumed to be rich. But the facts may prove otherwise, and this is where you come in. Wildlife spotting isn’t difficult, it just takes eagle eyes and careful recording. You don’t have to be an expert and the more help we have the better. Your data will make a real difference to wildlife conservation.

Ranging from the stag beetle, hedgehog and the dormouse.
Variety of survey categories
Coastal, Farmland, Grassland, Heathland, Towns and Gardens, Plantation and orchard, Upland, Wetland, streams and rivers, Woodland
UK wide
UK wide
People's trust for endangered species
Online form
How to take part:
A range of surveys so submission times vary.

How to get involved

List of surveys to participate in are here: They include; Great stag hunt, living with mammals, hedgehog hibernation survey, mammals on road and water vole monitoring.

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