Conference Delegate Form 2024

  • Type N/A f not applicable
  • We will use this email to keep you updated about the Conference including updates to the programme and your booking.
  • If claiming for the student rate please provide name of college / academic institution or other relevant information.
  • We would like to publish contact details in the online documentation and information - these include your name, organisation and email address. Please confirm if you would / would not like your details to appear in the online Conference information. The online Conference information is provided to all delegates and will be freely available to view as a pdf on our website indefinitely.
  • We no longer print a Conference brochure, so information and documentation is available online only. However, if you would like a printed programme please tick the box below.
  • This will take place after the main Conference on Thursday 21 November - between 16:45 and 18:00 (exact timings TBC)
  • Lunch will consist of a selection of vegetarian sandwiches, with sustainable fillings. Crisps, fruit and cakes are also served. You can select more than one box.
  • Please give more information below
  • Please let us know where you found out about this years Conference. Tick all that apply.
  • Please give more information below
  • Please let us know of any special requirements that will ensure your full participation in the NBN Conference.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.